Why Haven’t We Talked?

5 reasons why you might not have booked that newborn photography session… and 5 reasons why you should!

Five things that might be holding you back from booking that newborn session (and how I can help put your mind at ease)!

Hey there friends!  This week on the blog I want to address some newborn session woes that some new parents might feel when debating whether or not to book that newborn session.   At the end of the day I think pretty much 99.999% of new or expecting parents would agree - they’d love to have beautiful professional photos of their newborn - even if they know deep down that those images may never see the world from the walls of their home, but rather just on a social media newsfeed or (my own worst nightmare) a hard drive!  So what’s making us stall when it comes to making that booking with our favourite newborn photographer?  Let’s talk about it!

1. I’m worried my baby will be difficult and we won’t get the images I am hoping for.

This is a legit concern!  I hear this a lot after a successful session:  “Phew!  I was so worried they were going to be fussy or that they wouldn’t sleep!  Here’s the thing though: Babies ARE unpredictable!  We all know that!  Occasionally I’ll have a baby come in who is experiencing a growth spurt and wants to eat all morning.  Or a poor gassy baby whom I have to encourage to “please just fart”!  Some babies are super sensitive to touch and may sleep well but the second I go to adjust their pose they get all kinds of pissed off at me!  And some babies just come to my studio to party!  These things happen!  But even when they do, you know what doesn’t happen??  No one walks away without a gallery of beautiful images of their brand new baby!  Even if your baby is (as one mom lovingly stated) a total jerk-face, you are still going to be madly in love with your photos!  Why?  Because #1 They’re of YOUR perfect baby!  And #2  I have a whole armload of tricks up my sleeve to still get those beautiful shots!

2. I have a nice camera at home. I can probably do my own newborn photos.

This one always makes me chuckle… I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been contacted by a new mom who thought ‘How hard could it be?’  Only to call in a panic and need to book that session last minute!  Confession:  This was me after I had my first child… thinking, I can probably just do my own photos!  And I  did…. And they looked terrible.  Don’t get me wrong… I still love them because they captured a moment in time that was so new and so fleeting and I make really cute babies!  But if I had known just how difficult newborn photography was, I would’ve just hired a professional.

3. Carolyn - Your studio is in the hood. I’m not bringing my newborn downtown!

FYI:  my studio is not in the hood!  It is one block south of the hood!  But for real though, my studio is located in downtown Winnipeg yes, but my building is the beautiful and newly renovated Alman Block and the entrance is secure - meaning that no one gets in unless I let them in!  And because I work by appointment only and want to offer great customer service, I will literally meet you at your car when you arrive (so long as you text to let me know you’re there)!  I’ll help carry any diaper bags, or car seats or even your toddler into the building!  It is always my goal to make sure my clients feel safe and welcome in my space!

4. I’m not sure I can afford a newborn session at this time.

I can completely relate to this one.  There are many things I need to budget for or ask myself ‘is this really a priority that we need to spend on right now?  But here’s the thing:  We spend money on luxuries all the time because we prioritize those things right?  For some of us that’s hair appointments, or brows, for others it might be that date night out to a fancy restaurant or concert.  The reality is that custom photography is a luxury.  But it is such a worthwhile investment.  To have beautiful heirloom images of your newborn baby is absolutely priceless!

And let’s not forget - Gift certificates for a newborn session make a lovely gift! You can add these to your registry, or ask me about my instalment plans!

5. Carolyn, I just had a baby a week ago - I’m not ready to go out yet, let alone think about getting in front of a camera!!

Don’t you worry your pretty little head mama!  I got you covered!  Literally!  I have wardrobe options in studio that are both flattering and able to hide that beautiful post partum tum.  80% of the time I am photographing mom from the elbow up.  I can even hire hair and makeup to come to the studio and get you perfectly picture ready if you’d like!  But the one thing I ALWAYS tell new parents is this (and it’s really the only thing that matters):  Never, ever will you look at a photo of you holding your brand new baby and think to yourself “Gee, I wish we’d never taken that photo.”  And I can guarantee that with each passing year that your child grows, you will love those images more and more - now how’s that for appreciating value?!!

I hope you found this helpful and I sincerely hope that it gives you a little peace of mind when booking your newborn session!  The reality is we can never truly turn back the clock, but being able to look back on those images of you and your newborn years after they have grown is truly such an incredible gift.  Not just to yourself, but to your child as well.

If you’re interested in booking, or if you’re still on the fence and just want to chat, click the link below to contact me! I also have detailed pricing in my investment tab! Let’s create something beautiful together!

Wishing you light and love,


Spring has sprung… and everything is growing! (including my spring client wardrobe!)


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