There is Beauty in Simplicity

Hello friends! If you’ve been following my instagram @tinyfoxphotography you may have noticed a little trend forming… There’s a whole lotta white space. I have been slowly working towards a more simplistic clean newborn workflow. I have been spending a lot of time paring away the uneccessary parts of my work. The parts that clutter and take away from the most important part of my photos - the subjects. And I am loving what I am left with. The most pure and beautiful part of any work of art - the subject - nothing more, and nothing less. In doing this I have found there is so much more meaning to my work. It’s not about keeping up with the latest trends. It’s not about all the fancy props I can add to a set to create that wow factor. The subject should BE the WOW factor!

I want my clients to be able to look at their images in 10 years from now or even 30 or 40 years and still be able love everything about them! I know we’ve all looked back through old albums and laughed at our wardrobe, or hair… some of that stuff is unavoidable I suppose. And it can be fun and hilarious for sure! But I don’t want to have to look back through my work and think - Oh! I remember that Pinterest Board! Or, yes… that was 2018 - the year of the unicorn cake smash! You get the point! I want clients to look back and fall in love a little more each time they look at their images! Have a scroll through and you’ll see what I mean!


Timeless white portraits will look good with literally ANY decor, and pretty much any style! And in the words of Leonardo Da Vinci - Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication. I hope you love this new look as much as I do! Let me know what you think!

Oh, and before anyone panics, please rest assured - this doesn’t mean that my work from here on out will be devoid of all colour! I will still ALWAYS carry a wide variety of coloured wraps/outfits for my littles and I will most definitely continue to offer those beautiful on location family portraits! After all - this is about creating a beautiful memory!

As always, thanks for reading and God bless!


How I Fell in Love With the 3 Months Stage!


The Elephant in the Studio