How I Fell in Love With the 3 Months Stage!

CONFESSION: I used to LOATHE three month old baby sessions. Don’t confuse this with actually hating three month olds! I love babies - at all ages and stages! But I used to despise photographing them at this specific age. And I’ll tell you why! This is what I lovingly refer to as the ‘potato stage’. They aren’t sitting up independently yet, they really aren’t great at tummy time - and many of them still kind of hate it! They don’t have great head and neck control. And they still don’t always track the greatest with their eyes making it hard to get that great ‘connection’ from them in camera. They basically just lie there. Like a potato.

But I have learned to love them over the past year! Maybe it was a result of the pandemic and being in a position where I just had to photograph more older babies… maybe I have just gotten more creative with posing… either way, these little 3 month old babies have been stealing my heart lately and I just need to share it with everyone who will listen! It’s at this age when they are reaching so many new milestones! They’re discovering their limbs, learning what their tongue is all about, starting to smile more (and not just because their passing gas)! And they are just so darn keen on learning all about their brand new world!

Please enjoy a few captures from some of my most recent three month olds! These girls are over the top, next level cute, and the whole world needs to know!

If you’ve thought about doing a milestone session with your little one, or perhaps a grow with me package to capture ALL of the first year milestones, please check out my ‘Investment Tab’ where you can find pricing and information on all of these sessions! Or, if your little one was born during Covid restrictions and lockdowns and you were unable to get newborn portraits done, please know that we can still create some beautiful images of your little one for you to cherish for a lifetime!

As always, thanks for reading and God bless!


Oh Hi There! | Winnipeg, Manitoba Maternity & Newborn Photographer


There is Beauty in Simplicity